Thursday 25 September 2014

Caught up yet?

Thought last night that I'd actually catch up but after doing the previous day I kinda ran out of steam, so to catch up this will cover two days, Wednesday and Thursday.

The Dowager and the Princess

With Wednesday being Muvvas last ful, day,it was all about her. We headed over to Bukcheon to investigate the craft activities. In a part of the traditional village, there are a series of houses that allow you to try some of the traditional crafts that would have been there to support the industry that was royal government.

The masters Apprntice

First we visited the embroidery. To Mums dissappointment there was not some embroidery to try. The museum and displays were quite spectacular. Imagine a 9panel screen entirely made of embroidered panels. However they did offer dressing in hanbok. The kids jumped at the chNce and how splendid the girls looked. the dress mother wore had quite exquisite embroidery. They allowed us pretty well to,take unlimited photos, I'm sure at least one worked!

not the Sistine, but pretty nifty just the same

We left mum and amelie to go to fan painting, while Liz went to the knot workshop. Curiously it cost more to make your own knotted trinket than to purchase it already done....go figure. it took only a few minutes instead of the half an hour suggested. Liz simply can't last the distance. at least Amelie and Grandma took quite a while with the fan painting. Judging by the results, they did pretty well too.

Lunch was Mandu dumplings on a mixed platter at locals restaurant. Some were beef, some kimchi, some fried and some boiled, even some were naked, actually more like meatballs. All very nice.

The afternoon included a last trip to Namdaemun market to allow Muma last chance to buy souvenirs and gifts for the family. The market was packed, busier tha I have experienced in the past. this ti e we got Mum inside some of the buildings where some of the best naff is. She managed to spend the last of her allowance before three of us, headed back to the apartment for a rest and to pack. Liz remained to do a little of her own shopping. Actually a little for her and more for amelie and her friends at school and .ballarat.

We realised one of the dish Mum hadn't experienced was the bbq pork. For her last meal we set out to find a restaurant specialising in this withn the local area. Low and behold on the ground floor of our very own apartment exists an establishment that specialises in Pork. How coincidental was that!

A nice meal this close to the flat as perfect for Mum still awaiting news about the result of Dads operation. Thanks to Amanda staying bedside all day we got the news that after 5 hours, he was finally in recovery and doctors are optimistic with the results. It seems his existing artificial knee joint had to be replaced as the bone had shattered where the previous joint joined to bone. Apparently dads main grip is they did not take the opportunity to raise him a couple of inches to give him a little extra ground clearance.

The Last Supper. I'm the angelic one

It was good to be able to Skype and see him. still a little groggy form the previous day, but under the circumstances quit chirpy considering he has been I. Pain all week waiting for the swelling to reduce enough to allow the operation. He still has considerable rehabilitation to go through and do what I can understand there is a stand off between bean counters and medical staff. One realises he has a home in victoria and this is the best place for recovery, whilst the other twit wants to return him to Whayalla where the accident occurred cos it would be marginally cheaper. We will find out who wins later beauty or the beast.

I reckon he'll be in hospital still when we return Oct 4th, so I'll be able to help,out then. Hopefully Dr McCoy will win over Spock,on this one.

mums last official sightseeing of the trip was a quick dash to Gyeonbokung Palace to see the Changing of the Guard one final time. why not it is so close, only 5 mins walk by the new super fit granny scale. I think it proved to be a nice colourful way to end her visit to Korea.

The big event of Thursday was to see Mum to the airport. I left Amelie and Liz to their devices and escorted Muvva to the airport. Incheon is about an hour drive from Seoul Central and costs somewhere around 90 bucks Australian by limousine and taxi. there are several standards of Bus that run, but there is also a wonderful train right to the terminal door.

Beating The Drum, Gyeongbokgung Palace

we took the private limo on the way in To Seoul with .mum in tow as with tired daughter and Grandmother it required little stress and thought, but in future honestly the train System is so good. There are two services, the regular train which stops all stations between Seoul and the Terminal. All or pat of thenjourneyncould be standing, but it is cheap, about 6 bucks. For a little more there is an express service that runs to Seoul station. It used to cost 14,000 Won (about 14 bucks) but they have reduced this to 8000 won. Yep 8 bucks for an express of around 45 minutes and a guaranteed seat.

It really highlights the madness of Melbourne where very little investment in public transport to the airport continues to be such an embarrassment. instead we have car parks so huge that they warrant their own postcode and all the resulting accidents of tired fatigued drivers at the end of a ridiculous long haul flight. I lay the challenge to our state government, build a bloody railway already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amelie and Liz went to buy tickets for Bibap this evening. Unbeknown to us the promotional giveaways continued. Because by now we are on first name basis with the Half Tix Staff, they were keen for Amelie to receive one particular 'prize'. they told her they had a hello kitty gift if Mum could get a picture on Face book. it was harder said than done. Liz's iPad is a bit temperamental so it does not talk to wireless in Seoul and the Internet at the nearby KNTO office was in Korean so Liz gave up and went back to our apartment. appear entry this was the fsstest Amelie has walked all trip. after all there was a prize involved.

Liz thought it would be some small trinket, but look at the soft toy they received. We are so pleased the staff there were keen for Amelie to win one. We had been there so often this trip and seen far more show than we would have if this promotion dis. To coincide with our trip. Well done KNTO and Korean performing artists. I hope this promotion proved to be successful and encourages you to run it again.

Promo gift at Seoul Half Tix

Our evening minus Mum involved another show. this time to a show called Bibap. it is loosely a battle of two chefs, red and green vying for top honours. the show is a. Is of hip hop dance,singing and vocal beat box. It is perfectly aimed at the seven year old with plenty,of fart jokes and humour at that level. Of course Amelie loved it! she fell right into the de ographic. It suited our. Olds perfectly, light entertainment. Good fun without challenging too many brain cells.

Proof she did buy the t-shirt. With the cast of Bibap.So Far Amelie's favourite

yes we bought the T-Shirt.

so there you have it, if I am not mistaken, officially up to date.

Muvvas pre flight workout. From the rooftop of our apartment block

HoPe all is ok with your trip mum. Dad we hope the recovery goes well and they help get you to Bendigo. don't fret though we'll manage of they don't. Give Dad our love when you finally arrive too.






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