Tuesday 30 September 2014

Never ending Everland

I had thought simply to cut and past my entry from our last visit to Korea (www.koreathereturm.blogspot.com) especially the Post regarding the never ending cute. Koreans certainly have perfected kitsch raising the bar to unreadable levels for any Australian Resort.

however the big difference with the experience of Everland this time is a 7 year old girl! the focus is clearly away from the animals, performances and any activity at ground level. I'm afraid we have now the female version of Top Gears Jeremy Clarkson.........POWER!!!!!

Everland Sojourn

If a ride does not have an element of risk involved. If a ride does not involve possible death, cessation of heart beat, removal of lungs. if the ride operator rePlies to the question, "How many G's?" With "What's a G?" If the ride takes place less than a thousand metres above the ground, then I'm not interested.

I want rides. More, not less. Don't bother about lunch, I'm defying gravity here. no I do not want to see the seals unless they are strapped into the roller coaster.

Yep our little girl has become a ride junky! She simply could not get enough. It was lucky that there are still rides that have height restrictions, at least from her parents perspective. roller Coastes aren't bad, but those ones that simply treat the humN body as clothes in a washing machine..... A front loader at that, then we draw the line.

We managed to keep up with the Rides queen and we're lucky enough to have some of the parents of fellow Han Ho children look after whilst Liz and I deserted Amelie for what is claimed to be the biggest Wooden roller coaster I. The world. We learned all about this ride whilst I. The 60 minute queue. We somehow np managed to swap our very chatty child with an older version.

Kim, dong Ha a high school student on a two excursion to theme parks of Seoul and general chatterbox, regaled us with all the facts about the T-Express. Apparently it is the fastest, steepest and biggest wooden roller coaster in the world...... Brendan you should have been there.... Seriously you should.

Somehow 6 different families managed to make their own way from Seoul to Everland and locate each other in the crowd. we felt a .ittle guilty as we probably had the best service. Liz had checked up on advice from INKAS and KIA Consulting, but the best option seemed to involve incredibly long travel times. so she went tot the Everland website, clicked on transport and found an express bus service that ran from AnGuk station in the morning, for us 12:10pm and returned to Dongdamun in the evening leaving Everland at 9pm. the trip there took just over an hour and return about 50 mins. not only that it only cost 10000won per person and came with discounted entry to Everland.

The guilty part for us came on leaving. We managed to be home slurping on a Soju nightcap just after 10pm whilst our colleagues still probably return close to. Id ight at best. I tried to phone to get the others on our bus only to be told they needed a booking. Out of remorse, I have poured a second glass for their benefit.

Hurtling along at some 200 klms on what appears to be rickety wooden structure... Are we mad?

Sorry there are not many pictures today. We didn't take many. We only,took little pocket digital cameras and the. Allowed Rose "Merakis to be the official photographer for the day as she did take her hefty SLR Long. this meandps our photos,are scarce so far. But here are a few.


so guilty about our fast trip home... We resorted to drink.


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