Tuesday 23 September 2014

The emotional roller Coaster Monday

Family portrait with President Kim, formal ESWS visit

Yesterday was the time for our formai visit to ESWS. Three other families from Victoria ( Bradbury, Triscari-Hunt & Merakis) were there on separately organised trips. However as we know each other well from Han-ho back home, it has been great to share the experience with them.

Amelie making gift to President Kim, ESWS. Note the respectful bow. We were so proud of her.

As their kids are thirteen, there was an opportunity for them to view their files. Unfortunately for the boys and their families there was nothing really new to learn. What was shared from the files at ESWS contained noting more than what families already new. They came away a little despondent.

Amelie is only 7 and we already knew her Foster mother could not meet due to ill health, for us this was not a fact finding visit, merely a chance to show Amelie's grandmother her home country. The girls were so happy to spend all the time possible looking in the nursery at the babies in ESWS. We are having such a great time in Korea, so no opportunity to meet foster family is disappointing, but our wishes are with her to get well.

After lunch we went home for a Nana in preparation for an attack on Lottee World. We don't have the likes in Australia a shopping complex so big that it sports department store, water park, amusement park and hotel all under one roof. It's kinda like Disney under lights... Oh did I mention there's a full size skating rink too?

I thought I was cheeky asking for a seniors discount, but we got one! Well when I say discount, ?Muvvas ticket actually said CHILD..... Who are they trying to kid? That ship has sailed, returned and been sold off for scrap long before the Vikings.

Once inside we realised why. On many rides there is both a height restriction and an age restriction. The upper limit is 65yo and they would not budge, no matter how much I tried to suggest her driving is far more dangerous than any ride. That argument probably would have worked to get dad on as he is mainly a passenger nowadays,

Even amelie had more trouble than expected all the outside rides had a 130cm height limit. Unfortunately she is not quite there yet. Still she loved the roller coaster with a loop, got drenched on the flume ride and had nightmares after the Sinbad ride, ok for kids but much too graphic for many. It should have a M rating at best.

It was at Lotte World that we had one of the weirdest meals possible. amongst the dishes ordered was chips that looked more like it was presented like wedges with sour cream, guacamole and tomatoe nachos sauce. Instead it was chips with bolognaise sauce and a sprinkle of dry Parmesan dusted on top. And the answer is yep about as good as it sounds.

We ended staying till stumps, about 10pm weekdays. Right up till then Amelie had plenty of energy, but as soon as she lost the glass slipper, quickly became sleeping beauty. We very nearly had to drag her home on the train asleep.

What surprised Muvva was the crowd. No matter how much we tried to convince her otherwise 10pm is the real rush hour in Seoul. It is when many office workers finally go home and students finally finish homework club, or second school too. It makes me wonder just how productive 14+ hours at work could possibly be. Still the look on her face at crowded trains at that hour brought more than a wry smile.... Told you so.

On return home we found messages on Skype, email etc that dad has some form of broken leg. He didn't want Muvva returning home prematurely, but as communication is brief to date, one is still greatly concerned. We are grateful, Amanda & Jon could get to Adelaide where he was flown by RFDS. Brother Peter has been involved too, so Mum is respecting Dads wish to stay till Thursday as originally planned. Hopefully more news will filter through and Skype will be possible. Our thought are with Dad for his operation tomorrow to pin the fracture.


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