Saturday 27 September 2014

UKEFAFE Ukulele Festival

Hawaiian dress ups at UKEFAFE

what a great day we've had attending UKEFAFE, Ukulele Fair and Festival on the outskirts of Seoul in Korea.

That interminable selfie pole again

I knew there was some kind of ukulele festival held in korea at this time of year as I had found references on the Internet. however it seemed up that 2014 may not go ahead. luckily calling on the resources of Maria Camaretto at KIA Consulting and INKAS here in Seoul, especially Ahyoung Kim, we managed to locate this festival during our stay in Korea.

With my new Toy. the festival shirts have some kind of theme... Don't know what though

We took our ukes along, although the opportunities to play were limited mainly 'cos we could. It register into workshops online. There were a couple of brief stints group playing,.


most of the festival involved watching a great variety of acts both amateur and professional. Many simply blew us away at the quality of the music. On the smaller stage, acts were largely amateur from kids/ schools groups through to some very talented youths... I hate them ... Yes jealous.

The main stage had a great line up of local and international performers. Some of the international performers really impressed such as Apirak Sirinanthakul from Thailand, Kyas Ryo from Japan and Bruce Shimabukoro from Hawaii. Yes I believe he is a brother to Jake, but it pretty damned good on Uke too.

Of course there would be no festival without stalls and great Uke Porn. We took the opportunity to avail ourselves of various accessories quite rare in Australia. this included Festival T-shirts, leather key fobs, straps, a small battery amplifier that plugs straight into the plug on any uke with a pick-up, a very cute 'bunny' uke tuner for Liz......and oh did I mention my new uke?

amelie was very patient to indulge us today, but I think she had a good day too. She came away with her own trinkets and there were a few craft actives she keenly participated in.

We finally made our way home and following practically every Train trip so far requiring me to stand. It was good finally to have a seat from boarding. I thought finally the rail Gods were smiling upon me.... Yep too soon. Seven stops later the train was pulled out of service and we were booted to the platform. don't know what happened to my seat as the next train was packed to the rafters before arrival at our station. It was a nice seat too, padded and everything. sigh.

We took the opportunity to duck over to Gyeonbokung Palace cos till Sunday evening there is a laser light show projected on the main gate and surrounding walls. Anything like this at night due to the contrast of light and night darkness. this proved to be no exception. the on.y frustration was the number of busses that just happened to catch the lights and block our view. homer usually says Doh... I think after the 10th time Liz said it too!

Finally to dinner. we went to that little pancake place that you may remember mother. It looked a dingy little place, almost unkempt in every way. seats were mere pedestals and tables long trestles. I you remember our guide on the day one tour said often the dingiest places have the best food and this place lived up or is that downto expectations.

On arrival it was packed with locals. good Sign. the owners clearly did not speak English and had no Englidpsh menu, good sigh two, luckily two .ocal helped us order. We were not disappointed. Lovely fresh meat and seafood pancakes cooked on very hot hot plates making the outside very crispy.

It was loud and noisy inside, the food delicious and perfect under the circumstances, and the soju topped off the meal perfectly. We ate our fill for two adults and one child for under $25 including drinks. We will definately be back before we leave. this form of fast food beats anything at Maccas, Amy pie and any fish and chips.


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