Thursday 18 September 2014


To some today will seem to have seem to be a little quiet.

Hanbok Shopping Gwangjang Market

In the morning we split again for Liz to head off and purchase tickets to Miso Theatre. the half-tix place excelled itself today. The promotion for subway tickets and Seoul Tower has finished, to be replaced by an even better one...... That's right the selfie-stick. As it bloody mobile phones and selfies have become ubiquitous. nooks there is a gadget designed to get the ultimate selfie shot is any circumstance. whT disturbs me most is that I have only see them used for taking selfies... You'd thing the extra height or reach could be useful to get an unusual view.... No all you ever see them used for is ..... bloody Selfies.

street food Gwanjang style

I. The meantime three of us made directly to Gwangjang Market. some may remember this market as it was featured on the Hairy Bikers Asia Tour program and food is one of the famous sections to this market. However before the food, the girls, particularly Amelie, wanted to shop for hanbok. Gwangjang is the place in Seoul you. Use visit if you want to buy Traditional Han-book. Even though Amelie has enough to,last until she is grown-up, item two on the bucket list was to choose her very own Hanbok.

Lunch Anyone? GwangJang Market

I must admit she chose very well, choosing a purple dress, with aqua jacket, highlighted by pink patterns. But the frenzy dis not stop there, we also had to choose accessories, petticoats, bags, hats, hair-pins, socks, and shoes.... Well not the shoes. Muvva got in on the act buying hanbok so for her other two granddaughters Riley and Cassie.of course with accompanying bling.

noodle and Mandu Soup, Great Street Food for 5 Bucks

Mum added to the frenzy with a couple of items for her and dammit I got in on the act whe I spotted a special decorative amulets to match the hanbok she has at home. This was made of burgundy silk tresses and a pewter plaque highlighted by a gemstone amulet.

craft activities at Insadong

To cool our smoking wallets, we strolled over to the food section to check out both food stalls and street food. the street food here is really good and cooked fresh in front of,you. We settled on Mandu soup, Mandu are dumplings, in this case stuffed with kimchi and tofu, at other times various meats etc. A lovely hot broth seasoned with vegetables is accompanied by a variety of kimchi side dishes and a lovely a seasoned sauce made of soy, sesame oil, spring onions amongst some other spices I may have missed.

After lunch we split again, the girls to head home to rest before a late evening theatre and I headed East to try find a fly fishing store I had heard about during our planning with KIA consulting and Maria Camaretto. Turn out it too,a little finding as the ad was very much residential and the shop was hidden below an apartment complex. the owner and I shared tales of fly-fishing in New Zealand as he had voted the North Island last year. Resisting the urge to go totally wild, I came away with a couple of souvenirs, a bit of fly-tying equipment and a Czech nymph rod. After all the correct number is N+1 where the integer Nissan the number you have already.

The girls headed to Miso theatre. Being a 'bloke' I wasn't really keen to go so I was let off. Sound as if it was a mistake as it was a lewd story of entrapment of a philandering husband taught a stern lesson before repenting and returning to his lovely wife,I went for about an hour and the traditional music and dance was interspersed with the plot line, making a performance that Amelie enjoyed thoroughly. So it was well designed to keep a seven year old interested and enthral led.... Despite the story-line.

The return home was met with a flurry of packing as tomorrow we head to Andong for two nights. It may be a little delay before the next post as we may not have access to internet, so look toward Monday for much action including the Andong sojourn, followed our lunch at Eastern and reuniting with some Han-Ho families.


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